4 Homepage von Michael Engelbach-

  Who is who?

  Reginald (Rex) Engelbach
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Gérard Engelbach

Reginald Engelbach



Charles Richard Fox Engelbach Michael Shenstone Johann Hermann Kahler Prof. Johannes und Wigand Kahler
Carl Ludwig Engelbach Gottlieb Engelbach Voltaire in Frankfurt Reginald (Rex) Engelbach
Archibald Frank Engelbach Frederick George Engelbach

      0. Willkommen

    1. Neuigkeiten

2. Spurensuche

    3. Bilder

    4. Who is who?

    5. Studium in Marburg

    6. Studium in Gießen

    7. Studium Straßburg

    8. Studium in Jena

    9. Studium Wittenberg

 10. Studium in Göttingen

 11. Studium Heidelberg

 12. Studium in Erlangen

 13. Studium in Tübingen

 14. Studium in Paris

 15. Dissertationen

 16. Leichenpredigten

 17. Autoren

 18. Maler

 19. Engelbach im Elsaß

 20. Biedenkopf

 21. Engelbach in Rußland

 22. Interessante Links

 23. Nützliche Tools

 24. Haftungsausschluß

 25. Fotoalbum

50. Literaturverzeichnis

Reginald Engelbach, * Moretonhampstead 19. 7. 1888, + Kairo 26. 2. 1946,
Ägyptologe, "chief keeper of the Cairo Museum" 1931 - 1941;

"British Egyptologist and engineer. Born, Moretonhampstead, 1888. Died, Cairo, 1946. Educated at Tonbridge School. Trained as an engineer at the
City and Guilds Institute, 1905-1908.
He suffered poor health and went to Egypt in order to recuperate, 1909-10. When he returned to Britain he studied Egyptology, Coptic, and Arabic at University College, London. From 1911 onwards he assisted Petrie on many excavations. During the First World War he was commissioned by Allenby to report on ancient sites in Syria and  Palestine. Appointed Chief Inspector for Upper Egypt, 1920. Assistant Keeper, Cairo Museum, 1924. Chief Keeper, 1931. Retired 1941. He was awarded several honorary titles. He published extensively, some of his most important contributions being those where he was able to apply his engineering expertise."
See: Who Was Who in Egyptology? (3rd ed. 1995, p. 141 - 142)

Reginald (Rex) Engelbach

Pictures: Historic Tutankhamun photo treasures unearthed

Friday 20th March 2009

Chris Cheesman
King Tut
A series of historic 'snapshots' documenting activity around the tomb of Tutankhamun, shortly after it was discovered in the early 1920s, will be revealed at auction on 31 March.

The photos have not been published before, according to auctioneers at Bonhams, which plans to sell the collection in London on 31 March.

Tutankhamun's Egyptian tomb was discovered by British archaeologist Howard Carter in 1922.

'We are not sure who took the photos. There are around 30 or 40 in a file,' a Bonhams spokesman told Amateur Photographer this morning.

The treasures - which include letters and papers leading up to the discovery - hail from the collection of Egyptologist Rex Engelbach.

Engelbach was the official supervisor to Carter, and Lord Carnarvon who financed the project.

The collection is expected to fetch £2,000-4,000.

Picture (below) captioned 'Gold Coffin of Tut Amkh Amun lying on sarcophagus', courtesy Bonhams

Picture, Tutankhamun coffin

Picture (below): Carrying box from Tomb of Tutankhamun, courtesy Bonhams

Picture, Tutankhamun tomb

(Amateur Photographer, 20. 3. 2009)

Reginald (Rex) Engelbach
Joan Wand-Tetley
Tochter von Reginald Engelbach
Charles Wand-Tetley
Enkel von Reginald Engelbach

(C) Mengelb@ch
    11. 1. 2006
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