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Distribution of engelbach Families in the US in 1920
Vermont: Less than 1% (0 of 55)New Hampshire: Less than 1% (0 of 55)Maryland: 11% (6 of 55)Delaware: Less than 1% (0 of 55)New Jersey: 4% (2 of 55)Connecticut: Less than 1% (0 of 55)Rhode Island: 2% (1 of 55)Massachusetts: Less than 1% (0 of 55)Hawaii: Less than 1% (0 of 55)Alaska: Less than 1% (0 of 55)California: 5% (3 of 55)Nevada: Less than 1% (0 of 55)Oregon: Less than 1% (0 of 55)Washington: Less than 1% (0 of 55)Idaho: Less than 1% (0 of 55)Utah: Less than 1% (0 of 55)Arizona: Less than 1% (0 of 55)New Mexico: Less than 1% (0 of 55)Colorado: 5% (3 of 55)Wyoming: Less than 1% (0 of 55)Montana: 2% (1 of 55)North Dakota: Less than 1% (0 of 55)South Dakota: Less than 1% (0 of 55)Nebraska: Less than 1% (0 of 55)Kansas: Less than 1% (0 of 55)Oklahoma: Less than 1% (0 of 55)Texas: 2% (1 of 55)Minnesota: 4% (2 of 55)Iowa: 4% (2 of 55)Missouri: 5% (3 of 55)Arkansas: Less than 1% (0 of 55)Louisiana: 4% (2 of 55)Illinois: 7% (4 of 55)Wisconsin: 11% (6 of 55)Michigan: 2% (1 of 55)Indiana: 5% (3 of 55)Ohio: 7% (4 of 55)Kentucky: Less than 1% (0 of 55)West Virginia: Less than 1% (0 of 55)Tennessee: Less than 1% (0 of 55)Mississippi: Less than 1% (0 of 55)Alabama: Less than 1% (0 of 55)Florida: Less than 1% (0 of 55)Georgia: Less than 1% (0 of 55)South Carolina: Less than 1% (0 of 55)North Carolina: Less than 1% (0 of 55)Virginia: Less than 1% (0 of 55)Maryland: 11% (6 of 55)Delaware: Less than 1% (0 of 55)New Jersey: 4% (2 of 55)Pennsylvania: 13% (7 of 55)New York: 7% (4 of 55)Connecticut: Less than 1% (0 of 55)Rhode Island: 2% (1 of 55)Massachusetts: Less than 1% (0 of 55)Vermont: Less than 1% (0 of 55)New Hampshire: Less than 1% (0 of 55)Maine: Less than 1% (0 of 55)
Number of engelbach families
Compiled by from the 1920 US Federal Census records

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Last Name

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What do I do next?
The information for this map came from’s US Federal Census Collection.
  • Census records can tell you little-known facts about your ancestors such as birthplace, residence and occupation.
  • Click here to search engelbach census records.
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